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BioShock Infinite Save Game: The Best and Worst Checkpoints in the Game

I've found the save data in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\XXXX\8870\remote\savedata but making a copy, and later restoring it, doesn't work. I've lost all my progress! I have disabled Steam cloud support in the in-game options, but my original save game is never recognized and I can only start a new game.

bioshock infinite save game

Unless I missed something and there's a way to manually save your game. Yesterday I lost about fifteen minutes of progress because I got stuck in a firefight and didn't have time to run and find a checkpoint before I had to leave for work. And there were two or three times last night when I was beating the game that I wanted to take an hour or so break and turn the system off, only to find out that the most recent save was 25 minutes from the time I was trying to quit.

It seems pretty..."irrational" to me that these guys didn't clock any major QA sessions, glance at the clock and see they only have five minutes left in their workday and go to quit the game only to find that their clock says "4:55PM" and their game says "4:29:13 PM". I didn't know any games that saved like this still this a PC thing because of save states, or just a total oversight for consoles? Or did I miss something?

I agree.And yes you are right, theres no other way to save progress in the game. I always had to check if the game was actually saving my profile before i quit the game. For me it actually was no big problem because I had enoguh time when I was playing the game but I can imagine that this can be pretty annoying if you don't have enough time for a fight or a chapter of the game. I also don't understand why they did something like this. I can't imagine programming/including a manual save option would be that hard.

I laugh at your quandary I used to start Super Mario 3 on Friday after coming home from school, play the same game all weekend, with out saving, ( because there were no saves ) only to lose to Bowser on world 8, on Sunday.

FUCK this save system they got going on. I had to re-do this long ass fight at one point because the game glitched out on me, all could've been avoided if I was able to save whenever the fuck I wanted

I was playing it for the first time last night and I was going to quit to go to sleep but I had to constantly go to the quit game screen to see at what time did the game last saved. This is not good design.

It's really strange that this game displays the XMB "Saving..." graphic in the lower right hand corner, I feel like I haven't seen that since the earliest days of the system. But more strangely, you know how they have the "Load Chapter" option? That's what the "Saving..." graphic is for. You don't have one big Bioshock Infinite save (for now, just the PS3 version that I know of) in your Save Data folder: each of those chapter selects is an individual save! I currently have 46 Bioshock Infinite save files on my PS3 (yes, it doesn't overwrite your old playthrough of a chapter; every segment of your play is 'bookmarked', as the file puts it!) and the game's been on my system for three days.

This is an overall crazy way to handle saves. On the one hand, it's [i]very[/i] interesting to me that you can start the game from any transitional moment from any point during any of your playthroughs. On the other...this makes scrolling through the Save Game folder a [i]son of a bitch[/i] and can obviously become a hell of a storage shrinker if you're as into the gameplay as the initial experience.

I think it great that you cant save. Battles become more important and you wont go quick save crazy. Although it was big problem for me because the game kept crashing every 30 minutes but still i prefer save points because it is much more challenging. Without saves you are more careful and try harder and you are actually worried about staying alive.

As much as I hated the selective autosaves, this is actually a great point. Most games, I hit "save" almost as much as I hit "shoot", and not being able to absolutely put the pressure on during combat. Although the autosaves that the game made were much too far apart for even that suspenseful aspect of it to be rewarding.

If I'd known about this I'd have not purchased the game early. This kind of thing is just shoddy. Its like going to a fancy meal and being informed there will be no silverware provided. Its just basic. That someone spent so much time developing such an excellent game only to leave in a perpetual annoyance like this save game crap is a travesty and that it hasn't been fixed yet makes it worse. This also makes it a perpetual pain when you are not the only one playing the game in the house. I've given up on finishing the game. I just am disgusted with it. Not everyone has 25 hours to play a game straight through and who in the hell wants to play 10 hours only to find all their progress is gone because of something idiotic the developer failed to fix.

I also never had an issue with saving in Bioshock Infinite and I played it in multiple sittings. It wasn't like Shadowrun where the save system really IS messed up. The autosaves were more or less in between the fights so as long as you finished some combat scenario and moved on a bit there should have been a save. It is safe to say Infinite isn't a game you should be hopping into for 30 minutes for you have to leave for work.

Sort of. It took me three hours to get to the part where the spaceship crashes into the jungle (or whatever), and I had to play that part over again because of a lack of auto-save. The game has checkpoints, but apparently, they don't count as auto-saves.

But as far as the saving goes, it really is complete shit. I actually notice the autosave icon on the top right ,especially if you just finished a battle or you went through a door where you have to leave the scene and it blacks out. At those moments, I try to quit the game, but the last save is always at least an hour ago... I'm playing the game and I'm really considering an all-nighter.

The game save data for Bioshock Infinite appears to be in:/.steam/steam/userdata/890137677/8870. It is claimed thatbacking up and restoring this will restore the game to where you wereat the time of the backup.

(The fact that you can force a checkpoint by entering and leavingparticular venues is useful to know. If you need to put the game downand not lose your progress and you've passed through one of these gatesrecently, just go back and forth through it to cause a save to thepresent point.)

All right, after the better part of an hour fighting with the thing,I've managed to get it running on Ragnar. The most difficult part wasdiscovering that after I'd copied over the save directory, it ignoredthe save file even though I'd turned off backup to Steam Cloud in thegame until I quit the game, quit Steam entirely, restored the savedirectory once again, and then brought everything back up.

Elizabeth leads us toward a door, and we pass checkpointLutT_Start, the beginning of the Epilogue to the game. I'llsave that for the morrow. We ended up the day, and probably the game,with $1418 and 30 lockpicks, with infusion levels all at 7, andcarrying the Hand Cannon and RPG.

The downloadable content also twiddles the main game save. Icontinued the last chapter save to make sure the download hadn'ttrashed it, and I got all kinds of messages telling me thatthings had changed because I'd bought the Season Pass.

Resumed in the Toy Department, where we were before in the lastepisode, but now it's totally in ruins. Elizabeth has her pinky back. After navigating through it (finding nothing), we get on a boat withthe Luteces (them again!) and with typically enigmatic conversationthey take us to a dock where, after stepping off the boat and walkingup the stairs, the game crashes, having saved none of our progress.

Transferred the save directory back from Hayek to Ragnar and resumedfrom the Rap_CarpetCorridor checkpoint, which was the last before thecrash. Defeated the splicers again, eventually entering the Ryan theLion Daycare centre where, after further combat, we obtain theCrossbow, tranquiliser ammo, Hand Cannon and ammo, and some Shotgunammo (but we haven't yet found the Shotgun). As we acquire theCrossbow, we pass the Rap_PostCrossbow checkpoint. We learn that thevents are worth exploring: you may find goodies in them, and theyprovide a means of navigation among rooms.Medical Kits appear to workdifferently than in earlier games: you can acquire them and keep themin reserve to use when you need them with the Q key. After searching the day care without opposition, reached the entranceto the Silver Fin restaurant where we pass the Rap_ExitDaycarecheckpoint. I decided that was enough for today. We end up armed withthe Crossbow and 2 tranquiliser darts and the Hand Cannon with 5rounds. We have 2 Shotgun rounds but no Shotgun. Money is at $25 (wehaven't yet encountered anywhere to spend it) and we've acquired andimmediately used one lockpick, leaving us with none. Lock picking ismore complicated than in earlier games, with three kinds of tumblerswhich either open the lock silently, make a noise, or sound an alarm. The first lock was easy to open silently.

Well, I am completely disgusted. The save and recovery mode in thisgame is completely different than the main game and Episode 1 and istotal betrayal of the gameplay model of Bioshock Infinite. Now, everytime you get killed you're set all the way back to the previouscheckpoint, and you lose everything you've acquired since it. For longand complicated segments such as Bathyscapes Deluxe, this is intenselyfrustrating. Maybe gamers who have nothing better to do can put upwith doing the same things five, six, seven times in a row just becausethey got killed due to a slow frame refresh rate, but not me. I amunlikely to return to this in the near future, if ever, and shall notdocument what I've discovered so far since I shall have to do it allover from the top. Perhaps somebody in Rapture created a userexperience designer from Hell by some horrid splicing together ofpeople from Microsoft and WordPress and turned it loose on what was, inearlier episodes, an eminently playable game. 2ff7e9595c

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